Flavor and Health Anywhere



<h2 class=”vc_custom_heading wpb_animate_when_almost_visible wpb_appear appear vc_custom_1556394095967 wpb_start_animation animated” data-fontsize=”18″ data-lineheight=”27″>WE ARE THOSE …
Soups. Colorful, good and light.
For lunch, dinner, snack or instead of the usual tea time.
We strongly believe that passion, sharing and thinking are the basis of a healthy lifestyle, they are the lever through which the mind remains healthy if the body is healthy.
Based on these assumptions we work to build the future, through a process that creates community, culture and promotes well-being. Also and above all starting from a healthy and balanced lifestyle, whose sharing is the basis for a better future.</h2>



<h2 class=”vc_custom_heading wpb_animate_when_almost_visible wpb_appear appear vc_custom_1556394095967 wpb_start_animation animated” data-fontsize=”18″ data-lineheight=”27″>WE ARE THOSE …
Soups. Colorful, good and light.
For lunch, dinner, snack or instead of the usual tea time.
We strongly believe that passion, sharing and thinking are the basis of a healthy lifestyle, they are the lever through which the mind remains healthy if the body is healthy.
Based on these assumptions we work to build the future, through a process that creates community, culture and promotes well-being. Also and above all starting from a healthy and balanced lifestyle, whose sharing is the basis for a better future.</h2>


The principal ingredients of Borscht, the celebrated Russian dish, are beets. This is a soup designed to reinforce the immune system, while promoting the well-being of the entire system. The presence of vitamin C and the flavonoids found in beets, serves to reinforce the capillaries, contributing to keeping the cardiovascular system healthy. Rich in potassium and fiber, it is good for the digestion.

Lentil soup

A unique, creamy flavor. Lentils are the most digestible legumes and contain the greatest amount of antioxidants. This is a perfect soup for weight-loss diets. Lentils contain very little sugar and are rich in fiber, iron and folic acid. They are therefore very good for all of us, because they help to keep weight down, while lowering blood pressure.

Vegetable soup

This is the best-known and most popular soup. A light, nutritious elixir. A rainbow of flavors, high in health benefits and low in fats. A combination of the different categories of vegetables, with all their vital nutritional benefits, it stimulates the metabolism and helps shed pounds while regulating the digestive system and reinforcing the body’s own natural immune system.

Tomato soup

A highly refreshing soup, perfect as a nutritious and complete first course. A fun idea for healthy eating, with a careful eye on taste and well-being! Tomatoes, one of the healthiest vegetables, containing antioxidants, cholesterol inhibiting agents and very few calories. A perfect food for healthy eating; it helps stabilize glycemia and blood pressure, constituting a veritable elixir of youth

Mushroom soup

A delicious, healthy soup boasting a unique taste. Mushrooms constitute a veritable natural antibiotic, helping to reinforce the body’s own natural immune system. Rich in protein, calcium, potassium, phosphorus and minerals, mushrooms contain vitamins A, B, D, P and K. An excellent substitute for meat, they heighten resistance to disease, providing protection against heart attacks and vascular diseases.

Pumpkin and carrot soup

A sophisticated mix of ingredients, featuring beta-carotene, pumpkin and carrots. It represents a natural anti-aging tonic, combating cellular aging. The high percentages of vitamins A and C bolters the system’s natural immunity, imbuing the skin with a fresh, luminous appearance, while lowering cholesterol and hypertension

Chicken soup

Chicken soup is light and nutritious; it’s a classic of practically every cuisine in the world, thanks to it unique flavor. Fill up on good health! Chicken broth is rich in protein, mineral salts and vitamins, a source of strength and energy. It is often utilized as a crucial element in the treatment for flu and is very easy to digest, especially for the elderly.