The first take-away soup to drink Unmistakable, genuine special taste From lovely SouperCups!
Savour World in a take-away
SouperCups is the new carry-around soup that lets you have the best world taste with you at all times: stylish, flavorsome, nourishing and convenient. Ready in just a minute, it gives you all the goodness of delicious, genuine food prepared daily in the best Mediterranean tradition, for the health of mind and body. An excellent daily snack instead of the usual sweet, often fattening drinks or take-away foods. SouperCups is a quick, easy single-portion serving, a healthy, light, tasty meal.
All the goodness of World Specialities
The worldwide success of the World diet proves that taste and health, wonderful flavours and balanced nutrition can be combined. Soup is one example, a traditional treasure: natural, genuine ingredients for a uniquely enjoyable dish. Try all the varians in the Soupercups range and savour the pleasure of good food that’s good for you! The cleverly blended flavours pamper your taste-buds, in a unique experience that satisfies your senses while delivering the nourishment you need.
Its secrets of freshness: try it! In the best special tradition,it is made from recipes handed down, with the most genuine ingredients.
The meal that brings the world together. The story of soup who start with boiling water in people, after the discovery of fire. Soup is traveling all over the world and in every country, something is added. One of the most valuable, richest cuisines in the world… Carefully selected ingredients revealed this food passion.
Your daily health and wellbeing boost.
A healthy mind is active in a healthy body, and a body is healthy when it enjoys all the nutrients provided by a balanced, genuine diet. This is one of the secrets of the world culinary tradition. Look after yourself with SouperCups! Mouthwatering and with low calorie content – about 100 calories – SouperCups is just what you need to keep concentrated and active all day long: lots of flavours and health-giving properties in a carefully chosen range of instant soups from the world tradition. Choose the one that takes your fancy and try the tasty new lunch or midday snack idea. Delicious and easy to carry around, light and nourishing. SouperCups is souper healthy!
All the goodness of SouperCups specialities
The worldwide succes of the Soupercups diet proves that taste and health,wonderful flavours and balanced nutrition can be combined. Soup is one example,
a tradional treasure: natural, genuine ingredients for a uniquely enjoyable dish.
Try all the variants in the SouperCups range and savour the pleasure of good food that’s good for you ! the cleverly
blended flavours pamper your taste-buds, in a unique experience that satisfies your senses while delivering
the nourishment you need.

The best quick meal
in the world
World in a cup